Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Favorites Among Career Girls

(Click on image to enlarge.)
Source: American Hairdresser, January 1948

Monday, September 29, 2008

Corrective Manicures for Problem Nails

(Click on image to enlarge.)
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, November 1951

Trouble Corner: January 1948

Problem: In applying mascara, should it be brushed with or against the growth of the eyebrows? 

Answer: To avoid the brush marks on the skin, mascara on the skin, mascara should be applied against the growth of the eyebrows.

Source: American Hairdresser, January 1948

Of Long Tresses... and Dresses

(Click on image for a larger version.)
Source: American Hairdresser, January 1948

Candlelight Allure

(Click on the image to see a larger version.) 
Source: American Hairdresser, January 1948

I'm also putting this under the "hats" tag because of all the interesting headwear. 

The ABC's of Make-up

(Click to enlarge)
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, March 1937

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Snip... Snip... for Modern Shorter Styles

(Click on images to see larger versions.) 
Source: M0dern Beauty Shop, September 1941

Monday, September 22, 2008

Victory Modes

(Click to enlarge.)
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, September 1941

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Admin post: Visitors

Where do the visitors to this site come from? Apparently, all over the world:

(Stats courtesy of sitemeter.com)
Pretty neat. I hope they keep coming. 

There are still plenty of articles that I haven't scanned in yet, so expect more posts soon.

Short Hair with New Hats!

(Click to enlarge.)
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, September 1941

The Fashion Section Style

(If you click on the images, they get bigger.)
Source: American Hairdresser, January 1935

Thursday, September 18, 2008

As the Hat Goes... So Goes the Hair!

(As usual, Click on the pictures if you want to see more detail.)
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, September 1941

Good Mixer

(Click on Image  to Enlarge) 
Source: Modern Beauty Shop, June 1943

Foundation Technic for Off-the-Neck Styles

(Click on the images to enlarge)
Source: American Hairdresser, August 1942

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How to Vary Settings for Specific Effects

(Click on the images to see a larger version.)
Source: American Hairdresser Beauty Shop Compendium 9th Edition