Sunday, June 14, 2009

Use Tension in Pin Curls for Lasting Styles

(Click on the images to see the larger versions.)
Source: American Hairdresser, April 1942


  1. It's so lovely to read these old tips and tricks. Thank you for sharing them :)

  2. I could have used this article yesterday. My pin curls did not turn out nearly so nice last night :)

  3. Elina - Glad you like the blog. I still have tons of magazines to share. Amanda - if you haven't already, don't forget to take a look at the "pin curls" tag. There are a couple of articles on them.

  4. Such a great post, thank you thank you I needed these brilliant tips and tricks. I am going to use evry single bit of advice next time I do my pin curls! ♥

  5. what's with the painted-on curls, American Hairdresser? ; )
