Saturday, August 22, 2009

Beauty Night

(Click on the images to open full-size versions.)
Source: How to Find Your Man by Joe Bonomo, 1954


  1. Sounds like a splendid "essential routine" compared to the rushed hair/nails/skincare regime of mine! I'll have to try some of these tips out, or at the very least, keep them handy to keep myslf from neglecting my appearance during the doldrums of the school year! (:

  2. I couldnt find your email, so I am posting here:

    did you see Mad Men? Betty was totally wearing her hair like one of your posts from the Hairdo Handbook! I have been trying to recreate that same look, but never knew what the front looked like. Now that I do I will try it out! I wonder if they have the handbook, or if they follow your blog?

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  3. I love Mad Men! I don't have cable so I have to wait for the DVDs. I always wonder where they come up with all those hairstyles. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the hairstylists had a bunch of the same magazines that I do.

  4. We're overwhelmed with beauty products and services today. A woman could literally spend all day in the bathroom. This routine is wonderfully simple and can be done without spending a month's salary on product or hours of time fussing.

    I've never thought of trying those hair removing pads for my legs over shaving. There's a brand here in England called Satin Pure, but the customer reviews aren't enthusiastic.

