(Click on the images to see more details.)
Source: 1000 Hints Beauty #7, 1956
Source: 1000 Hints Beauty #7, 1956
I'm sorry that I have been neglecting you, poor readers. I've been very distracted - I have a baby boy due in a few weeks! I still have hundreds of articles that I will post up here eventually. Until I get around to it, make sure you browse through the archives and try out some of the styles.
Thank you for the tips~ wonderful blog! So Much Inspriation!!!
Congrats on your upcoming joyful bundle.
Best Wishes,
Congrats on the imminent arrival, and thank you for these uploads on pincurls, very helpful indeed.
Congratulations! No apologies needed :)
Congrats!! I will (try to) patiently wait on my favourite vintage beauty blog. I'm not joking about the "favourite blog" part either!
Those pictures are the most descriptive I've ever seen for pin curls! I love how they show what kind of curl will be achieved with each set.
This is wonderful! I love pin curls.
Don't worry about it, I love this blog and will not stop reading it just because posts become futher between!
Congratulations on your baby, I hope he is healthy and happy. :)
your blog is amazing! my FAV, i'll be visting a lot!
congrats on your baby :)
did you have an email i could contact you on? x
Very nice source of retro knowledge - thx for sharing!
i love the way this tutorial thing is drawn! just so cute <3
Have just found this blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to put these up, they are wonderful!!
I love this post :) Pincurls are my go-to hair styling option, and its nice to see various curl patterns to mix it up a bit!
Just thank you SO VERY MUCH for this amazing blog! Congratulations and all the best for you and your baby!
great blog...i have some beautiful old hairdressing books i might have to share with you
i love your blog...feeling like the worst kind oh johnny-come-lately! i need this wonderful collection of info and will love going back thru all of your posts! congrats on your upcoming little guy...just had my fourth (finally a girl) a few mos ago.
Thank you for posting this and congratulation for your beby boy!
Wonderful tutorial. Thanks.
Year Old Birthday Party Ideas
Very nice, thanks for the information.
Your blog is really nice. It helps develop creativity with hairstyles. I really enjoy visiting your blog.
Great pics. You know, the pin-in curl look has kinda come back into style these days!
i must say this was different because i have never seen these kind of interesting pics
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