Source: How to Find Your Man by Joe Bonomo, 1954
When I was buying makeup for my wedding, the woman who was helping me told me that she'd seen many brides whose faces were different colors than their necks in their wedding photos. Don't let it happen to you! You should never ignore your neck when doing your makeup.
It's also a common saying that a woman's neck shows her true age. Looks like Bonomo knew this in 1954.
And mmmm.... layer cake.
A lot of people could use a lesson in good blending
One of the first things my mother taught me about makeup was blending. I hate when people look like they have a mask on.
Wonderful blog! One of my youtube subscribers jut alerted me to it. I'd like to add it to my blog roll, if you don't mind. Lisafreemontstreet.com
Ashley - I'd love it if you added this blog to your roll! I love the videos on your site.
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